Saturday, March 29, 2014


         This is another chapter from the book I discussed two days ago called The Healing Power of Christ by Emily Gardner Neal, 1972. As I said before, what was written many years ago is still true today. In this section she talks about how people can radiate Our Lord's love. I just realized her first name is Emily, which is my mom's name. I didn't notice that two days ago.
         The life of the Spirit, Mrs. Neal says, is the most exciting life on earth: one never knows what is around the corner in the way of revelation. The individual who is open to God is continually being astonished at the marvels He has in store for us and at the thrilling way He works out His plan in our lives.
         True joy is one side of the Christian coin: on the other side is suffering. Unless we share in the common suffering of the world which is also the suffering of Our Lord, we cannot enter into His joy. The early Christians went to their deaths singing joyous hymns of praise. As it was their joy in the face of persecution and martyrdom which resulted in the conversion two thousand years ago, so it is the same joy that effects conversion today.
        St. Paul says in Philippians, Chapter 4, verse 4, "Rejoice in the Lord always." These are words of healing and strength as well as thanksgiving. Paul also tells us in Romans (14:17) the Kingdom of God is righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit. These three are inseparable and indivisible, Mrs. Neal continues. Our Yes to God is a continuous and ongoing process that will never cease as long as we live.
          We must be reborn as Nicodemus in John (3:4) asked about. Our Lord enunciates a formula of Christian baptism necessary for salvation. The majority of churches teach that in the sacrament of baptism we are born again, cleansed of sin, spiritually regenerated, and be made members of the Body of Christ. This rebirth is from Above of God.
           Rebirth can be equated with conversion. Conversion applies to someone who has never known Christ whereas the rebirth experience is for those who have known and believed in Him, but less than completely. When the experience of rebirth occurs suddenly, there is an unforgettable moment of glorious truth, occasioned by a love from the Holy Spirit. Heart, soul, mind and body unite. The grace of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38) which you received in baptism comes to you in a new and fuller way.
          You then will feel the love given to you at His Crucifixion, overwhelmed by your love for Him, sorrow for your sins, and be aglow. We confront the living God in the altars of His church and enter into His joy. This happened to me at St. Francis de Sales Church in Tucson when a nun named Sr. Beatrice visited and anointed many people with oil. I felt the Holy Spirit's peace overwhelm me and have been smiling since. Whenever I can, I try to give it to someone else. 
Some other Scriptures that Mrs. Neal gave were (John 16:24), (1 Cor. 4:20), (2 Cor. 13:3), (1 Tim. 6:17), (Neh. 8:10), (John 3:3), (Luke 17:21), (John 3:4), (1 Pet. 1:8), (Ps. 16-!!).

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