Monday, February 25, 2013


Beautify Yourselves, My Children

Find all the beauty in this world and take it upon yourselves to spread it to others. Let it renew and revive and adorn all.
Beautify yourselves, by searching into Scripture for all the beautiful verses you can find and meditate on them – know how they will transform you into a righteous people.
Beautify yourselves, by searching deep into your heart to make it a place of love and joy which reaches out to those who always need reassurance and often know not how to find it.
Beautify yourselves, by teaching others to radiate Me from the depths of their souls and send them out into a world that must learn to accept the poor and forlorn.
Beautify yourselves, by uniting your purpose in life with striving for goodness in each act you commit. Each act, each deed, must be based on truth and justice for your fellow man.

(Note: this is the poem I had the pleasure of sharing with 200 women at the Globe Retreat.)

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